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3 Social Media Myths Busted

Social media can be a very powerful tool for spreading the news about your business. However, like any other platform, you have to know how to use it correctly. Not every social media post is going to go viral, and not every viral post is actually going to help your business. Instead, you might just have to accept a slow and steady type of growth in social media, just like you do in every other facet of business. And it’s important to keep an eye on your online reputation to make sure that it’s moving in the direction that you want. So here are some social media myths that people continue to believe, despite all the evidence against them:

  1. Social Media Is for Personal Use Only: Of course, there are many individuals on social media but this is really what makes it such a great place for finding followers and converting them into customers for your business. People check social media so often and spend so much time on it already, which makes it a great platform for you to tell them about your business via this medium.
  2. Only Young People Are on Social Media: This is absolutely not true. Plus, it also depends on how you define the term “young.” Social media has been around for long enough now for people in their teens, twenties, thirties and forties to be proficient at it. Plus, more and more older people are becoming internet-savvy, especially in recent years which have made social distancing necessary.
  3. You Have to “Buy” Followers on Social Media: One keeps hearing about celebrities who bought followers on social media so that it would look like they had a lot of followers from the get-go. As to whether these followers are real or not is anyone’s guess. But as a business, you’re not going to get much out of it if you buy followers on social media. Instead, it’s better to grow your following slowly by following others yourself, using hashtags and posting regularly.

Contact us to learn more about the power of social media for business.