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Are You Hurting Your Brand Image by Ignoring This Popular Trend?

There’s a new platform businesses are using. Millions of people already engage with it and most visit this platform every day. So what is this platform that brands are finally starting to join?

Mobile apps.

Today smartphone users spend 90 percent of their phone time on apps.

In the near future, not having an app could start making your brand look bad.

The good news is that standards are still low. Simply having a functional app can give your brand image a huge boost. A company with an app looks current. Even if consumers aren’t quite sure that they need your app, they’re pleasantly surprised to find they have the option.

Even Libraries Have Them

Would you expect a library to have an app? Maybe not. Libraries seem like pretty old fashioned places that aren’t up-to-date with the latest technology. After all, they specialize in printed books. But library apps are now commonplace, according to a 2016 study by app developer Boopsie.

The demand is there. Out of the libraries surveyed, over 20 percent named “user requests” as their reason for starting an app.

Backed Up By Research

Research already has confirmed that apps have a positive effect on brand image. One study published in the Journal of Interactive Marketing found that having an app increased consumer interest in a brand and general interest in the products or services carried that brand carries.

Highlighting the benefits of your product through an app might be key to industries currently seeing little interest from millennials.

Create Your Brand’s App the Right Way

Like any channel, some approaches are more successful than others. The most effective apps are informational, not game-based. Users were also more likely to develop personal connections with a brand if the app was user-focused and showed concern for their needs.

A case study in Sweden found that many businesses employed apps for short-term goals and focused on a specific product or product line. To build brand loyalty, researchers recommended the opposite. Companies should build customer-oriented apps intended for long-term use.

At Empowered Pulse, our professionals can work with you to develop an app that has long-lasting benefits. Reach out to our team to learn what your business can do with a mobile app.