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Best Social Media Sites for Marketing Your Business Part II

Social media can really help you grow your business, getting it in front of billions of people. However, most people don’t start because they really don’t know which sites to use.

Here are some more social media sites that you may want to try.

LinkedIn is considered a professional career building social media site. However, that doesn’t mean that you should skip right over it. You can meet and talk to other professionals, from other business owners like yourself to those you might be able to partner with to grow both of your businesses.

If your business is creative and photographs well, Pinterest and Instagram might be good sites to check out. Pinterest is great because it is filled with women who are ready to buy creative products.

Instagram is another great photo sharing site. You can show potential customers your products and services. Many also like to see behind the scenes, as well as your daily life. They like to put a face and person to a business.

With Instagram, you should reach out to influencers and use hashtags so that you can see a difference with your bottom line. Even better, this social media site is integrated with Facebook so your content will get shared in both places.

The popularity of YouTube is growing. In fact, it is the second largest search engine online. People prefer to watch videos instead of reading blogs so if you are able to make helpful videos for your potential customers, you should try to attract the attention of all the fans of YouTube.

Think about what your customers are looking for in terms of information and start making videos. You could also ask your customers to make a testimonial for you. Many business owners make weekly vlogs to really reach your audience.

Most marketers recommend starting with the big two – Facebook and Twitter. If you have time to devote to more, you might want to consider Instagram or Pinterest. YouTube may be a great way to catch the attention of potential customers who are looking for advice and information.

Contact us for all of your marketing needs. We will be glad to help you get started with social media marketing or help you get the results that you were hoping for!