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Content Creation: 5 Steps Forward

A strong, long-term marketing strategy includes the creation of engaging and targeted content shared across multiple channels. Such content might include blog posts, infographics, videos, podcasts, social media, and interactive content like quizzes and interactive maps. 

Goals of Content Creation

Thoughtful content creation has several goals and benefits. 

  • Increasing brand awareness;
  • Engaging a variety of online communities;
  • Retaining existing clientele;
  • Educating and building credibility; and
  • Attracting new customers and clients through search engine optimization (SEO).

5 Basic Steps for Content Creation

Content creation can be a daunting task, but there are 5 general steps to follow.

1. Brainstorm ideas. Where do ideas come from?

  • Consider your analytics tools. Google Analytics is a good place to start. 
  • Reports from the field. What do your partners in the field tell you? What do sales representatives hear? What do clients share?
  • Customer support requests. What trends and patterns are evident in requests for support? What needs further clarification and education?
  • Online communities and forums. Have a presence in online communities and forums. What topics arise? Where do discussion threads lead you?

2. Do your research. Study the angles. Consider multiple sources. What speaks to you? What is trending in your industry?

3. Create. Make it clear and concise, valuable and engaging, unique and targeted. Be sure it offers your audience a clear step forward, even if that’s simply to “think”.

4. Promote. Once you have a message, how do you reach the intended audience? And how do you reach as many of them as possible? Consider:

  • Multiple channels;
  • An email distribution list;
  • Social media;
  • Online forums; and
  • Teaser videos.

5. Analyze. The process does not end when the message is delivered. The final step is to analyze its impact. What worked? What didn’t work? And what will you do with that information? How will it inform your next piece of content?

Contact Us

Empowered Pulse understands and believes in the power of engaging and targeted content creation in your long-term marketing strategy. We also understand how overwhelming the process can be. Contact us today to learn how we can help.