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Focus on Retention Marketing

What’s better than a prospective customer deciding to make their first purchase? A customer deciding to come back and make another purchase.

Retention marketing refers to this occurrence: it’s the process of focusing your marketing campaign on past customers so that they come back and make another purchase. Whereas some marketing campaigns focus on targeting new customers, retention marketing is a method by which you can encourage previous customers to come back for more. Here are some tips for using retention marketing to your advantage:

Provide Repeat Customers with Discounts

There are so many ways for businesses to make repeat customers feel like they matter. For example, you can run promotions for customers who have already made a purchase. That is, if a customer spends $50, you might offer them a $10 coupon. This encourages customers to come back again, and it rewards customers who support your business.

Send Engaging Content out, Frequently

There’s no better way for customers to get familiar with your brand than by sending out customized content. For text lists and email lists to be useful, you need to send out messages consistently. When you send out emails and texts with a unique voice once or twice a week, your customers are going to be more excited to make another purchase. Make an email list or text list for people who have made a purchase and send them messages regularly!

Get Personal

While it’s important to have bulk email and text lists, try sending out personalized messages to customers who have made a purchase. Let individual customers know that you appreciate their business and do your best to convince them to make another purchase. When customers feel appreciated, they’re more likely to support you again.

Do yourself a favor and focus on retention marketing. If you’re committed to the process, the results will pay off. Contact Empowered Pulse for more marketing tips.