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How to Make PPC Ads that Lead to Conversions

It’s one thing to create PPC ads that lead to clicks, but it’s another to make ads that lead to conversions. Here are a few PPC strategies that actually bring you closer to your goals.

Clicks don’t always translate to conversions

First, it’s important to understand that more clicks don’t always lead to more conversions. Some keywords indicate that a user wants an immediate, specific answer, as opposed to waiting for a business to contact them via email.

This Search Engine Land article explains how long-tail keywords often fail to lead to conversions:

“We once saw an AdWords account that had received 127 clicks from the search term ‘how do I remove the terrible smell from carpet that has been flooded using household ingredients.’ Despite all these clicks, this search term had never produced a single conversion. Why? Well, people who bother to type in a 96-character search term like this are usually looking for a very specific answer.”

In this case, the users were looking for forums as opposed to landing pages. Look out for people who want immediate answers or links to forums. These leads are extremely unlikely to convert.

Focus on search terms that produce conversions

Instead, you should try to create search terms that lead well into your landing page. These will likely be relatively short, general, and depending on your industry, local. At this stage in the sales process, the lead should be looking for entry-level information, as opposed to specific answers for specific questions.

Create searcher personas 

Businesses often create buyer personas to make more targeted marketing messages. To understand leads better, you should create searcher personas. Try to put yourself in the shoes of prospective customers and imagine how they would find your business via Google. In particular, focus on those who are most likely to convert when they visit your landing page.

Clicks and conversions aren’t the same thing. Your PPC campaign should focus on the latter, even if it means sacrificing a few clicks. To talk more about PPC advertising, or anything else, contact us today.