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Leveling the Social Media Playing Field to Benefit Your Business

Social Media; The Key to Connecting to Your Customers

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Word of mouth advertising is still one of the most driving factors when it comes marketing your business, however, the various social media outlets available today have taken that word of mouth to the world’s market place. In fact, social media has become so detrimental to marketing in the past few decades, that statistics find that eighty two percent of businesses use social media for promotion. This is prominently due to the ability of social media to reach more customers and provide for advertising at less expensive costs than the physical alternative. 

Though social marketing provides a plethora of benefits, the reality of the matter is, social media isn’t a level playing field and what, when, and how you post something can greatly affect how many users it reaches. Being an entrepreneur and diligently working to increase your social media reach can sometimes seem like a fruitless and useless endeavor when time and resources are low. Watching businesses your size or smaller collecting engagements while you’re elated any time someone likes a post can be frustrating. However, by having a basic understanding of how to post to enhance engagements you can increase the chances that your content will be promoted by social media algorithms and ultimately boost your business’ bottom line.  

Stacking the Social Media Odds in Your Favor

With eighty two percent of businesses already employing social media for their marketing strategies, it’s incredibly likely that your competitors are already reaping the benefits of social media marketing. If you aren’t marketing your business online, or are using ineffective strategies, this could mean other competing company’s could be reaching far more potential customers than is possible without social media, and are drawing them away from you. Below we’ll take a look at just a few social media strategies to optimize your reach online. 

Share Content your Readers Want to Read

Not every post you make should be an advertisement for your business, however, all of your content should stay on brand, support your company morals, and provoke interest in some way. By posting inspirational, educational, or purely entertaining content you allow potential customers to interact with your business without feeling like you are marketing to them.

Publish Quality Content

In the words of Guy Vaynerchuk:

“No amount of paid media will turn bad content into good content.”

This means it is on us as business owners to provide content that will make our potential customers want to engage with our posts and content. Providing content that amplifies curiosity in our brand is essential. By curating this sense of curiosity we increase customer’s chances of looking into what our business can provide them. 

Use Photo and Video to Optimize Your Content

If you are familiar with social media then you understand just how boring and unprofessional text only posts can be. Not only that, but many social media algorithms prefer posts with photos or video over content that is text only. Posting content with a photo, or better yet, video, engages potential clients on a sensory level and enhances your engagement as well as profit. 

Keep Links to a Minimum

Though it may seem counter productive, posting direct links to your business page can serve to lower your visibility on social media due to algorithms that serve to limit off-site promotion. Social media outlets, like any other online business, want to keep users on their site as long as possible. A more beneficial way to provide customers with your website may be by asking them to comment on your posts, or personally message you, for the link. This encourages engagement as well as provides them with the landing spot for your business.

Empowering Your Social Media Output with Empowered Pulse

With statistics showing that eighty two percent of businesses are promoting using social media, now is the time to launch your own successful campaign to garner business and boost your company’s bottom line. To take your business’ social media presence to the next level, working with a skilled and knowledgeable agency who understand how to plan, strategize, and ultimately to increase engagement through proactive handling of all your online mediums, is essential. Empowered Pulse have the experience, know how, and commitment to boost your social media engagement organically and provide more exposure for your business online. Contact Empowered Pulse today to find out just how they can grow your social media presence and optimize your earnings.