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Pay Per Click: What You Need To Know (PPC)

If you’re trying to move your business into the digital marketing platform, you’ve probably heard of pay per click advertising (or PPC). If you haven’t heard of this, here is a breakdown of what it is, and how it can benefit you in reaching new customers.

What exactly is PPC?

PPC is an online advertising model designed to help broaden your reach. As it sounds like, PPC is where you pay every time a customer clicks on your ad. There are multiple different kinds of PPC that you can utilize depending on what kind of customers you want to reach.

  • The most common type of PPC is called a “paid search ad.” These are advertisements that come up when a customer specifically searches for what services you provide. These could include keywords and searches like “pizza places near me,” or “best places for sushi”. These advertisement results are triggered by specific keywords that you bid on for top spots on platforms like Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, or Amazon Advertising (in the examples it would be “pizza places” or “sushi”).
  • The other two types of PPCs are self-explanatory, but if used correctly can help your business exponentially. These methods are display advertising (or serving banner ads, commonly found on social media or blogs) and shopping ads (that come up on general search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing). Both of these tools take advantage of imaging marketing and can catch a potential customer’s eye without them specifically searching for your business.

How can PPC benefit your business?

PPC advertising has a wide range of benefits that can improve the overall traffic of your business.

  • Firstly, PPC will help in receiving quick traffic. Customers will be able to find your website faster and find tailored items or services that they need.
  • Alongside this, PPC can help you to reach your target audience easier. Considering the main function of PPC is to have targeted results, you can hone in on the customers you are trying to gear your services toward. This can come in the form of having your advertisement appear on certain social media platforms.
  • Also, the performance data that you receive will be more accurate and much faster. You will have real-time insight into how your business is doing and what you can do to enhance it further.
  • One of the other big benefits of PPC to your business is efficiently tracking your ROI (or return on investment). You can gauge quickly which products or services are giving you the most profit return, and where you are struggling financially in your business.

The Funnel System and PPC

Keep in mind that successful online interaction with customers should revolve around the funnel system; a marketing concept that ties into PPC advertising.

The funnel system has four main categories that it breaks into, which you can read more about here. Remembering the importance of the funnel system can set you apart from your competitors because it will show your customers that you have their best interest at the core of your business.

Making your business succeed digitally doesn’t have to be hard, but if you want more help, or to read even more great tips, contact us!