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Posting and Advertising on Social Media to Promote Your Small Business

Every few months or so, online marketing gurus start recommending something new as an internet marketing solution. At one point of time, it might be Instagram videos while at another, it might be Twitter ads. After all, there are many ways to market your business online, and new ones are cropping up every so often. Yet, there are certain basic marketing techniques—involving social media—that never go out of style.

Social Media

Social media is one of those things that keeps growing; certain platforms become more popular as time goes on while others might become less so. Digital marketing companies have also been figuring out different ways to use the same social media platforms. For example, in the beginning, you might have thought that Instagram was basically a visual medium, more suitable for photos than for text. But nowadays, people often use the square Instagram format to write eye-catching content. Many Instapoets have used this medium successfully and gained quite a following.

Constant Updates

Another great internet marketing technique that works well for promoting your business is updating your online presence as often as possible. This is arguably the most important thing you can do to market your business, and there’s no limit to how many updates you can put online. In addition to updating your website as and when necessary, you can also update your blog, your Facebook account, your Instagram and any other social media account you may have. You should aim to post something on all your accounts at least once a day, but it’s ok to place different versions of the same post on your different social media accounts.

Pay-Per-Click Ads

You can also keep placing Google or social media ads which work on a pay-per-click basis and will therefore not cost you much without producing results. Google ads will make your website appear at the top of the search results and social media ads will appear in people’s social media feeds like any other post. Of course, they do have the words “ad” or “sponsored result” attached to them, but this doesn’t stop people from clicking on them if they are interested in the content of the ad. All in all, pay-per-click ads are a good internet marketing solution and you might want to speak to your digital marketing company about placing some for you.

Contact us for more evergreen internet marketing solutions for your small business.