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Three Digital Sales Funnel Tactics (and Why They Work)

One of the simplest lessons in business is “if you’re not growing, you’re dying”. The idea is that the status quo is an enemy. Lethargy and complacency often is accompanies by a slow decline of business. Some of client attrition can be healthy and can lead to better resource management. However, without a proper sales funnel in place, client attrition is never contrasted with a steady stream of new clients. So what are some digital funnel tactics that can lead to a steady stream of new clients?

Digital Funnel Tactic #1: Shifting from Ad to Story

In this digital sales funnel, a company shifts back to basics. Studies have shown that people do their best to ignore banner ads. However, when they focus on a story, our brains relate the emotions. This naturally draws us into the information. This can be developed into a sales funnel in a number of ways. A success story can help paint a wonderful before and after picture. A calling to a cause or showing of customer example can also help lead development.

Digital Funnel Tactic #2: Video is Easier to Absorb

An elevator pitch is a quick summation of a company’s service. The idea is that the pitch can be completed in a short elevator ride. In this modern day, the same can be achieved online with a video. A professional short commercial, hosted in the right spot, can help excite customers. Showing a small library of how-to videos also helps ease the customer’s mind that they can trust your brand. The ultimate goal is to not only provide your product or service hook, but also become the authority in that niche.

Digital Funnel Tactic #3: “Secret” Social Media Discounts

Black Friday is based on the idea of limited time availability. Several stores have used this at other times of the year via flash sales. These are one day sales where customers are notified in the morning of a single day sale. One of the great things about social media, versus email, is that it can lead to more friend of a friend contacts. Many companies have been able to combine these approaches by encouraging people to share the flash sale information with their group of friends. This is often done by sharing posts on a number of social media platforms.

There are many more tactics for digital sales funnels than the ones listed. Each piece of these funnels can fit a particular niche within a business. To learn more about what avenues of digital marketing best fit your business, please contact us.