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Using a Customer Profile to Target Your Audience on Social Media

Nowadays, a lot of people believe that you can go viral using social media. And although this is true, virality is not the only reason why you should be on social media. Sure, one or two of your posts might go viral, attracting thousands of likes and followers. But even if this doesn’t happen, you can still build a following with a slow and steady method.

Slow and Steady Growth on Social Media

Keep posting more and more comments, photos, videos etc. Even if some of them only get a modest number of likes, you’ll still find that overall, the number of people that are following you will keep increasing. In social media, as in anything else, slow and steady wins the race.

Coming up with a Customer Profile

Just because you’re going with a slow and steady method doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t strategize. You can still come up with different ways to appeal to and grow your audience. Think about the kind of people who are likely to read your social media posts.

Who’s your ideal customer? How old are they? What kind of work do they do? Are they working professionals? Students? Retirees? What are their hobbies? Once you know all these things about your customer, you’ll have a customer profile, so to speak. You’ll know your customer inside out. So figuring out what’s going to appeal to them and why will be easier.

Figuring Out Your Target Demographic

Let’s say you’re trying to sell blenders. This is a product that can appeal to various demographics. If you’re trying to appeal to people who are into a healthy lifestyle (so that they can make smoothies), then posting more about health and fitness will help to appeal to your customer. But if you’re trying to appeal to homemakers who want to make more delicious meals for their family, then you’ll post more about subjects that will appeal to this demographic.

Making Your Customer’s Life Better

No matter what demographic you’re trying to appeal to, the idea is to induce people to believe that you really care about making their lives better in some way. Your posts on your social media accounts should tell your customers that you care about them and want to help them. Once you start doing this, your likes and followers are bound to increase.

Contact us for more information about using social media to grow your business.