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What is Pay Per Click Advertising and Is It Worthwhile?

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is just what it sounds like: you pay based on the number of people who click your ads. PPC has tremendous potential and keeps you in control of targeting. If you haven’t tried it, you could be missing out on a proven lead generation technique. These are the top benefits to using PPC:

Instant Results

Your PPC ads immediately land on the first page of a Google search. While some marketers believe focusing on SEO is more beneficial, getting your website to rank highly can take a long time. There’s no reason you can’t use PPC to boost your traffic while continuing to improve SEO. Through a PPC ad campaign, you can even learn which keywords perform best and apply those to your website.


Since you don’t pay until someone clicks, your PPC ad can reach thousands of people without costing you a dime. Of course, your goal is to encourage clicks to your site, where they’ll hopefully stay a while and opt-in in some way.

Perfect for Time-Specific Offers

Keeping a constant PPC campaign going might not be feasible for every business. But they’re perfect for generating traffic to time-specific offers. Holiday sales and seasonal discounts are common material for PPC advertising, so keep it in mind the next time your company is holding an event or special offer.

Tracking Options

You can and should track the performance of your PPC ads. Most platforms make it easy, offering you a wealth of information. Tracking in real-time also lets you adapt as needed. We won’t sugarcoat it; learning to use PPC ads efficiently can take time. Fortunately, data allows you to experiment and find the best-performing keywords and ad content.

Not every business loves PPC and there are conditions that make it worthwhile, such as a website already optimized to convert leads. PPC can also be tricky for first-time users. That’s why having an expert on hand can help you skip the struggles and get straight to the profits. Contact our team at Empowered Pulse today to make the most of your PPC campaigns.