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You know it’s time for a mobile app when…

…you come to the realization that your current generation of customers and the future ones no longer spend their valuable time surfing websites and clicking on ads.  Gone are the days where you could just get by with building a website, creating a blog, or a Facebook page and expect to capture the curiosity and loyalty of throngs of fans and the future business they could bring.

Why is that you might ask?  There are several reasons but one of the most important ones simply fits in the palm of your hand.  That cell phone your customers are addicted to is the best way to be visible to your customers at all times .  In fact, according to a study by Bank of America, 71% of people sleep with or next to their cell phones.  Think of that next time you feel a mobile app isn’t necessary to get the attention of your target audience.  They can literally wake up to your app grabbing their attention.

It’s not hard to imagine why this happened.  We all know that millennial (Generation Y) and digital natives (Generation Z) practically grew up with these hand held computers.  Millions of them had iPads in special child-proof rugged cases.  These devices were their digital babysitters and therefore hold a special place in their minds.  These are the same generations that made Uber a verb rather than just another app name.  Children that are just 3 years of age already naturally know how to swipe left or right to dismiss notifications.  The first time I saw that with my own eyes I realized that the key to their future hearts, minds, and purchases was via mobile apps.

Statistics tells us exactly the same story as 86% of the time people use an iOS or Android device they are using an app.  Think of that the next time you get a notification that your Amazon purchase has shipped.  Are you reading it in an email or opening a website?  Chances are you are doing neither.  Now that you realize the premiere importance of getting into the mobile app space contact us so we can let you know what options are available to tap into the next generation of consumers.