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Why Mobile-Friendly Websites Matter

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When mobile traffic surpassed desktop traffic in 2014, many website owners were not ready for the update and the fact is that some still aren’t. Are you? It is no secret that an increasing number of people are browsing the internet with their mobile devices rather than their computer desktop and statistics show that mobile users will continue to rise going into the future. This means that your website has to be mobile responsive and smartphone compatible right now or you will be losing valuable traffic to your competition.

Search engines have openly announced that they want to provide a better search experience for online mobile users and they will be granting favor to mobile-friendly websites. This is no surprise because Google has already released an algorithm announcement update that on April 21st, 2015, if your website is not mobile responsive then your website will lose visibility in the mobile search engine and could receive a drastic drop in rankings. Many were calling this the “Mobilegeddon” because some website owners and even big brand names literally went from showing up in the search results to being nowhere to be found. It’s easy to understand how important this one factor is for any business wanting to stay on top of their industry and ahead of the competition who may have not yet decided to migrate to a responsive design.

If you think you might not have made the cut, then it is a good idea to check your websites mobile compatibility by going to Google’s mobile-friendly checker tool – Once you put in your URL, you’ll know instantly if you’re affected by the algorithm update or not and what your website looks like on a mobile device. Although, it’s not all bad news, this can easily be fixed here at Empowered Pulse – where we can quickly turn your unfriendly mobile website from a zero to a hero and into being totally optimized, responsive and mobile worthy. By acting fast, you can save valuable traffic, customers, and profits.

All technicalities aside, this update not only affects your search engine optimization and online presence, but it also affects your traffic retention rate and visitor experience. How do you personally deal with websites that are not responsive and hard to read? Our guess is that you tap away or pinch the screen, well your website visitors are exactly the same way and they would also rather not want deal with that. We have all seen the not-so-friendly mobile websites on our devices and statistics have proven that users will hit that back button within a 3 to 7-second time frame if the website is awkward and unreadable. This affects your bounce rate and could further damage search engine rankings and your overall reputation in the market.

We can help you get your website at its highest optimal mobile design and upgraded to a powerful adaptive online property that people will love and search engines will appreciate. If you are ready to give your customers a better user experience, then don’t wait to get responsive and send us a message or give Empowered Pulse a call today!

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